Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Cry For Africa

Once upon a time when Africa was pure
When we didn’t have to rush to Dr. Frankenstein’s cures
Our mines were not pillaged nor our soils defiled
Our culture was intact and our morals refined
We lived peacefully in genuine brotherhood
Before some of our brothers were ferried into alien hoods
We didn’t pay no taxes and a strange term was inflation
We didn’t have checkpoints for there was no immigration
Nor were there walls like between Israel and Gaza or the US and Mexico
Everyone was welcome even from the ‘civilised’ nations
What we didn’t know is that they were bent on invasion

And indeed came the Europeans to better things for us
To teach us the bible and remove the pagan in us
Never mind in the process we also got robbed of our land
But now look at Africa we’re just a confused and divided mass
And we can only reminisce of our glorious past

Africa, the cradle of civilsation lags behind in everything
The great Zimbabwe caves, the pyramids, the great kingdoms ruled over by noble kings
Yet we have sold our souls and pearls have been cast to the swine without a pork chop in return
What our forefathers fought tooth and nail and resisted to the bitter end
Top be shipped into servitude in Europe and America
Today we are willingly doing by getting into rickety boats and in the process dying by the thousands in the Mediterranean

Whatever happened to the proud African race?
Whatever happened to the soul and spirit of Africa espoused by Kwame Nkrumah and Marcus Moziah Garvey?
Whatever happened to the tribal dance around the fire where HIP HOP was born?
Mc Mic on the mike crying for Africa
Reminiscing the days when Africa was great……….before the self hate!

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